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Community Guidelines

In the Dimjack community, we welcome everyone who is honest, nice, and respectful. Anyone who doesn’t respect our culture might not find it suitable for them. As long as it is not offensive and inappropriate, users are always encouraged to express freely. And whether you are a big shot, an ordinary user, or paid user, we hold the same standard. No matter if it is online or offline, users are required to follow our community guidelines and yes, offline offensive behavior might cause the termination of your account as well. So please think before you act and always be considerate.

We expect all of our users to observe our community policies and guidelines as below. Account suspension would be in result if you violate any of these policies. And if you encounter any unwelcome behavior that violates our terms and policies, please report using the system in our app.

Dimjack is not for

Nudity/Sexual Content

We get it, it is an era of sexual openness and everyone has the right to have the types of relationships they want, but when it comes to content that is publicly available, we need to keep it clean and appropriate. Therefore no sexually explicit content or nudity images are allowed on Dimjack.


Targeted abuse including bullying, intimidation, stalking, threats as well as unsolicited sexual content to your matches are considered harassment, we take them very seriously. Anyone engaging or encouraging others to engage may result in account suspension.

Violence and Physical Harm

Violence and bloody content in graphic or text, or any content that suggest violence of any kind such as suicide, self-harm, threatening, or promoting terrorism are strictly prohibited. We also have zero tolerance for physical assault, coercion, and any acts of violence.

Hate Speech

We do not welcome any content that promotes racism, hatred, or violence against any individuals or groups based on factors such as but not limited to religion, disability, ethnicity, race, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

Private Information

Phone numbers, messaging or social apps ID, unlisted contact information, email address, home or work address, financial information, social security numbers, and passport information, whether or not it is yours or others are not allowed to be broadcast.


Don’t use Dimjack to drive people to external websites via a link or otherwise.

Promotion or Solicitation

Solicitation of any kind is prohibited on Dimjack. Letting others know what you are doing for a living or inviting them to something you are doing is different from the solicitation. Other users and us can tell if your purpose is to advertise your business, events, non-profit, politics, contest, or research, we shall suspend your account when we receive reports from users.

Prostitution and Trafficking

No promotion of prostitution, human trafficking, or transactional/commercial relationship is allowed on Dimjack, once we receive the report from users we will ban the accounts from use.


Dimjack has a zero-tolerance policy on the predatory behavior of any kind. Anyone attempting to get other users’ private information for fraudulent or illegal activity may be banned. Any user caught sharing their own financial account information (PayPal, Payme, etc.) for the purpose of receiving money from other users may also be banned from Dimjack.


Impersonation, or otherwise misrepresent affiliation, connection, or association with, any person or entity shall result in account suspension as well.


No underaged users are allowed, You must be 18 years of age or older to use Dimjack. We do not tolerate any users claiming they are under 18 years old and we do not allow images of unaccompanied minors. If, inside the chatroom, you want to post photos of your children, please make sure that you are in the photo as well. If any users see images that include an unaccompanied minor, encourage harm to a minor or depict a minor in a sexual or suggestive way, please report it immediately.

Copyright and Trademark Infringement

If what you are posting on Dimjack includes any work that is copyrighted or trademarked by others, don’t display it, unless you are allowed to do so.

Illegal Usage

Don’t use Dimjack to do anything illegal. If it’s illegal in real life, it’s illegal on Dimjack.

One Account only for One Person

Please don’t maintain multiple Dimjack accounts. We have the right to ban all accounts if we find you do so.

Third-Party Apps

The use of any apps created by anyone other than Dimjack that claim to offer our service or unlock special Dimjack features (like auto-inviters) is not allowed.

Account inactivity

We may delete your account for inactivity if you don’t log in to your Dimjack account in 2 years.

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