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Dating Safety Tips

We believe the following pieces of tips could help you stay safe during your Dimjack experience. Always be alert when meeting new people despite it being exciting. Whether you are just initiating a chat or meeting someone in person, always please remember to put your own safety first.

Online Safety

  • Do not share Financial Information and send any money

  • It is difficult to verify if anyone claims to have emergencies, and it is nearly impossible to reverse any transaction nor trace how the money goes. Therefore we do not suggest any users send any money and please do not hesitate to report in case you encounter someone asking you for money. For tips on avoiding romance or online scams, check out some advice from the website of the authorities of your country. Protect Your Personal Information

  • Keep your Identification number, social security number, home or work address, or details about your daily routine (e.g., that you go to a certain gym every Monday) to yourself only. The least you share the more yourself is protected. If you have kids, do limit the information (their names, where they go to school, or their ages or genders) that you share about them on the post or in initial chats. Stay on Dimjack

  • Predators always try to move the conversation to other messaging apps, email, or phone right away when they get matched. We strongly advise you to stay on Dimjack until you have reached a certain level of trust with the matched users and staying on our platform could make sure the exchanges of messages are subject to our community guidelines reviewed by our automated and manual processes as well as systems. Long-Distance and Overseas romances are red-flags

  • Ask more questions to verify people’s stories, and tell them to your friends or families to ask for advice if it is applicable. If people ask you for money without answering your questions or avoiding meeting in person or taking calls, there is a good chance they are hiding something from you and with bad intentions. People who claim to be from your country but are stuck somewhere else asking for financial help to return home are usually scammers. Say no to Suspicious and Offensive Behavior

  • Please Block and report anyone with suspicious and offensive behavior, they probably violate our terms, such as:

    • Minors users

    • Inappropriate or harmful behavior online and offline

    • Requests for sending money or financial information

    • Attempts to sell products or services, i.e. all kinds of solicitation

    • Harassment and offensive messages including threats

  • You can report any concerns about suspicious behavior from any candidate account or email us. For more information, check out our Community Guidelines.

  • Protect Your Account

    • Be sure to pick a strong password for your Facebook/ Google/ Apple ID, and always be careful when logging into your account from a public or shared computer. Do not share sms verification code sent from Dimjack with any third party. Dimjack will never send you an email asking for your password information — if you receive an email asking for account information, report it immediately.

Meeting in Person

  • Verify first

  • Ask questions to screen for any suspicious behavior. Making a phone call before the meeting might be helpful. Spend time getting to know the other person before chatting off Dimjack and meeting. Meet in Public and Stay in Public

  • Avoid meeting at your home, the counterpart’s home, or any private location for the first time, choosing a populated, public area for the first few times is always a wise decision. End the date if the counterpart attempts to push you to go to a private location. Inform trusted parties about your plans

  • Make sure your cell phone is charged and brought along with you. Inform your friends and family about when and where you are going. Be in Control of Your Transportation

  • It is always better if you can leave whenever you want, therefore please be in control of what transportation you get to and from the meet-up location. In case you’re driving yourself, formulate a plan B such as a ride-share app or a friend to pick you up. Understand your own limits

  • Drugs or alcohol can impair your judgment and your alertness, do make sure you know your own limits. End the date if necessary, particularly when your counterpart pushes you to take drugs or drink beyond your limits. Be attentive to your Drinks or Personal Items

  • Avoid drinks poured or served not directly by the bartender or server. Be alert to where your drink is because many substances with no smell, no color, and no tasteless can be put into drinks to facilitate harassment including sexual assault. Keep your personal belongings with you at all times, especially if they contain personal information about you. Leave anytime when you feel uncomfortable

  • If things go south, end the date and leave right away. Trust your own instinct and ask for help from the bartender or server or people nearby if you feel unsafe.

Sexual Health & Consent

  • Protect Yourself

  • A condom can significantly reduce the risk of contracting and spreading Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) such as HIV if used correctly.
    However, some STIs like Herpes or HPV that can be passed on by skin contact require further awareness. Please consult your family doctor or take vaccination to reduce the risk of being passed on some STIs.Know Your Status

  • You may want to be in control of your own health status, so please get tested regularly to prevent the spread of STIs, particularly since not all STIs show symptoms, and you definitely always want to be informed. Talk About It

  • We recommend you talk about your sexual health and STI testing before you get physically intimate with anyone. And you may also want to know that in some places, it’s actually a crime to spread an STI when you know it. Consent

  • Consent, and ongoing consent, from each other, just need to be obtained before all sexual activity, one should check in with your partner from time to time and be aware that consent can be withdrawn at any time. If your partner is unable to consent due to the effect of alcohol or drugs, stop proceeding. You and your partner can ensure the counterpart respects each other’s boundaries through verbal communication.

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